
Template Structure

- Template/  # Template directory root
├ data/ # Assets files, Please check HTML coding rule
├ include/
│ ├ acf.php # Advanced Custom Fields plugin extension
│ ├ admin.php # Admin page extension
│ ├ cf7.php # Contact Form 7 plugin extension
│ ├ functions.php # Additional template method
│ ├ init.php # Template initialize
│ ├ pagenavi.php # WP-PageNavi plugin extension
│ ├ query.php # pre_get_posts hook
│ ├ rewrite.php # Arrange WordPress permalink setting
│ ├ scf.php # Smart Custom Fields plugin extension
│ └ template.php # WordPress template extension
├ templates/ # Re-usable template files
404.php # Not found page template
├ archive.php # Basic post type archive page template
├ config.php # Configuration file of the template
├ footer.php # Footer template
├ functions.php # Will include /include/ directory files
├ header.php # Header template
├ home.php # Top page template
├ page-sample.php # Sample file for static page
├ page-sample__child.php # Sample file for static page
├ page.php # Sample file for static page (by updating Admin page)
├ single.php # Basic post type detail page template
└ style.css # No need to update