
Custom Block

Sometimes we need to implement Custom layout into WYSIWYG part, and we can implement these requirements by using Custom Block function of WordPress.

Basically, we're using the following plugin to implement Custom Block, so please check plugin page.

Template structure

If you use Lazy Blocks plugin, please match block slug and HTML classes, and SCSS files.

  • Block Template file
    • blocks/lazyblock-{slug}/block.php
  • Block Template HTML classes
    • .c-block-{slug}
  • Block Template scss file
    • data/scss/object/component/_block-{slug}.scss


If you prepare foo custom block by using LazyBlocks.

// blocks/lazyblock-foo/block.php
<div class="c-block-foo">
<div class="c-block-foo__child">
<?php /** Something actions */ ?>
// data/scss/object/component/_block-foo.scss
.c-block-foo {
&__child {
// Something styles