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Custom Post Type / Taxonomy

In many cases, our website project is not only news/blog function. so, we need to prepare another management page by adding Custom Post Type or Custom Taxonomy.

Mostly, we're using plugins for managing custom post type, so please check the following plugins pages.

Template file structure

WordPress provides template naming rules for Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy. Basically, we're using the following template naming rule:

  • Custom Post Type
    • archive-{slug}.php : Archive page
    • single-{slug}.php : Detail page
  • Custom Taxonomy
    • taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php : Taxonomy archive page

If you need to implement same layout to custom post type archive and cust omtaxonomy archive, please prepare another template file and import from the above template file.

e.g.) Prepared foo post type and bar taxonomy, and same layout for these pages

// archive-foo.php and taxonomy-bar.php
// templates/foo/archive.php

while(have_posts()): the_post();
// will be shown `foo` post type list,
// or filtered `bar` taxonomy automatically