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Migrations from Old rules

Don't use tag selector

We allowed the child selector, but we changed the rule. Because, child selector has a week point. When you change the tag structures (e.g. when you change <span> to <a>), child selector won't be available.

Detail: Don't use tag selector

Removed Views layer

We removed Views layer, and we use Project as define patterns which are unique layout for each page.

Then, you don't need to import each page's css from HTML.

Detail: Project

Change Utility class names

  • The class of displaying PC or SP style
    • .sp, .pc -> .u-sp-only, .u-pc-only
  • The class of enabling anchor only displaying SP layout
    • .u-tel-anchor -> .u-anchor-tel
    • Also, you can assign this class to <a href> instead <span data-href>