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Naming rules

Basically rules

  • You should be lower case, unless you have special reason.
  • You must not use full width character(e.g. Japanese character).
  • When you partition filename by words, you should use "-", not "_".
  • You must not use words that associated temporary meanings, because we're using version control tool.
    • e.g. bu, backup, 20160101, Copy of ~, and so on.

Detail rules

You should name images like below. and, you should not name serial number of whole images.

  • For button images
    • btn-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) btn-section01-inquiry.png
  • For background images
    • bg-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) bg-contact-helper.png
  • For banner images
    • ban-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) ban-footer-estate.png
  • For list images
    • li-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) li-side-backquote.png
  • For headline images
    • h-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) h-simulation.png
  • For navigation images
    • nav-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) nav-side-guide.png
  • For icon images
    • icon-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) icon-footer-mark.png
  • For thumbnail images
    • thum-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) thum-news-photo01.png
  • For line images
    • line-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) line-breadcrumbs-separator.png
  • For text images
    • txt-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) txt-simulation-lead.png
  • For the other images
    • img-(place)-(purpose).(extension)
    • e.g.) img-news-daily.png

If each page has the same purpose images, you should make it as the same name.

e.g.) Background image of main visual Don't make it "bg-visual-about.jpg", "bg-visual-company.jpg". You should make it "bg-visual.jpg" for all the pages.