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Fegg Directory structure

Below is the initial folders and files you will see. Fegg consists of 3 main folders - code, fegg and htdocs.

# The code folder organizes your application components. It has subfolders that contain your controller, template files, route,
# cache and extension library. This folder is where you will work most of the time for the project development.
***.php # Controller classes
route.php # Set up a routing settings
***.php # Set up settings for other extension library
... # Save cache file for Template engine and log file
***.php # Extension library classes
***.tpl # Template files

# The fegg folder is the Fegg core files. You don't need to edit these files.
Application.php # Fegg's Core file, include a basic class and functions
settings.php # Set up basic settings for Fegg

# The htdocs folder is where the document root is specified.
index.php # Dispatcher file

In this user guide, it makes a description of the case, which were constructed in the above directory structure.