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We're managing our project source code by GitHub.

When you download/upload to GitHub, you need to use Git command.


For macOS

You can install Git command through Homebrew.


ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


After installing Homebrew.

brew install git

For Windows

You can install Git command through Scoop.


Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

# or shorter
iwr -useb | iex


After installing Scoop.

scoop install git


Git is able to make diff between target branches or commits. By using it, you can prepare the file list that was changed between branches or commits.

If you're using Zsh (Default shell of macOS), you can add the following function to your ~/.zshrc file.

# Create diffrence files between current with specified commit
# git_diff ${commit_no}
function git_diff() {
git diff $1 --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only | sed -e 's/\(^.*$\)/"\1"/g' | xargs git archive --format=zip --prefix=_diff/ HEAD -o

If you're using Fish, you can add the following function to your ~/.config/fish/ file. (I haven't check this works properly yet, so if it's not working, please let me know)

# Create diffrence files between current with specified commit
# git_diff ${commit_no}
function git_diff
git diff $argv[1] --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only | sed -e 's/\(^.*$\)/"\1"/g' | xargs git archive --format=zip --prefix=_diff/ HEAD -o

After adding the function, you can use git_diff command to create a zip file that contains the difference between the current branch and the specified commit.

git_diff ${commit_no}

# Example usage : compare with the latest commit
git_diff HEAD^